These are actual mistakes I have seen when looking through some of your websites and profiles ! I realize, for many of you, English is not your native tongue and mistakes can easily be made. HOWEVER,   I think it is important that the English be correct and professional if you are presenting yourself to the GLOBAL community.

Let me help you !


Mistake:  The  informationS I requested from you was incorrect.

Correct:    The information   I requested from you is incorrect.

Information is  ALWAYS   singular !


Mistake: Our company’s headquarter is located in Vienna.

Correct:  Our company’s headquarterS are located in Vienna.

The word “headquarter” is  NOT  a  word!  The word is always  “HEADQUARTERS”  with a  “s” at the end.


Mistake:  I made many experiences in other countries.

Correct:   I  HAD many experiences in other countries.

In English  you  HAVE  an experience  NOT   make !


Mistake:  Our competitors are not so large as our company.

Correct:   Our competitors are not  AS  large  AS  our company.

Use  AS…AS  when comparing; NOT  so….as


Mistake:   We will have the new plant completed  until December.

Correct:    We will have the new plant completed   BY  December.

Be careful with by and until.  If you are talking about a deadline, i.e you mean “at the latest” then you should use “by”. The word “until” looks forward from the moment of speaking until the actual deadline and describes all the time from the moment in question until that deadline.

Mistake: ROI-  Return on Invest

Correct:  ROI-  Return on Investment

The word is INVESTMENT…not invest.

Mistake:  This night we will have our company Christmas party.

Correct:   TONIGHT  we will have our company Christmas party.

In English we say today, tomorrow, and tonight but we say  this morning, this afternoon and this evening. We do  NOT  say “this night”, “today evening” or today in the afternoon.


Mistake:  The Board members were very irritated  with the new budget numbers.

Correct:   The Board members were very  CONFUSED  with the new budget figures.

Be careful with the word irritate. If you are irritated you are a little bit angry or annoyed; something has gotten on your nerves. It does not mean you are confused.

Mistake:  The founder of the company is born in Prague in 1954.

Correct:   The founder of the company  WAS  born in Prague in 1954.

Always us the past for “born” and not the present.

Mistake:   Our company made a  good job on the big project in Brussels.

Correct:    Our company  DID  a  good job on the big project in Brussels.

You always  DO  a good job…not  make!!


Mistake:  Our company participated  on   a huge  trade fair last year.

Correct:   Our company  participated    AT  a  huge trade fair last year.

Events are always  used  with  “AT”, not on.

Mistake:  Our company is almost debt free and we have very few credits from the bank.

Correct:   Our company is almost debt free and we have very few loans outstanding now.

In English we don’t use credit in this way, we would use  LOAN.

Mistake:  Our company president said that, he would think of expanding to Russia

Correct:   Our company president said that he would think of expanding to Russia.

In English you should not put a comma before the word that.

Mistake:  I have worked  by Siemens for 15 years.

Correct:   I have worked   AT  Siemens for 15 years.

Never use the word   “by” when talking about the company you work for.

Mistake:  Our mother company is located in Paris and we have some daughter companies in the USA.

Correct:  Our  PARENT  company  is located in Paris and we have some SUBSIDIARIES in the USA.

Never use “mother” and “daughter” in these cases!!!